hear it for
s a n j o s e
name says hi

J A M I E { From UrbanDictionary }
A girl who is intelligent, yet silly. A girl who is cold on the outside, yet warm and cuddly on the inside. A girl who will tell her friends everything, yet she has many secrets hidden. A girl who is a great friend, yet a worthy advesary if you are not a friend of hers. A girl who is extremely sweet and innocent, yet she'll kick someones ass when necessary. link link link
Sunday, March 7 @ 4:50 AM
No Subject.
 I had this amazing idea for a blog post. I'd like to give credit to Mute Math and their song "Stall Out" for some how influencing this post. In this post are answers.. The questions I know but will not be posted.. Maybe you can play the guessing game and try to figure out the Q's. I'm sure down the road I will eventually forget and have no clue what this post was about. I guess I should get started.

_ things are good, life is life. Not much has changed since last year there's nothing really to be proud of in that answer but it's all I've got.

_ yes, lets start.

_ I'm not really sure how/when it started I just know that it should have ended ages ago. But I was so blind and naive that I kept pushing for it.

_ I knew that things were never going to change. The outcomes were always the same and I think I felt that it was up to me to stop this ridiculous cycle. It took a lot of will power.

_ I'll probably never admit it out loud but I have a strong feeling that it was mutual at one point. Or maybe not even mutual but that it was there and I was so oblivious to it that I never noticed it and I guess by the time I did it was too late.

_ it was kind of like a step program. Like a slow progression. Dislike ended up turning into hate and as much as I didn't want to go down that road, I knew I had to. 

_ I have no idea, as stupid as it sounds it seems like it grew on it's own without my knowledge. Like it still surpises me how overwhelming it became in the end and how much I was "invested" (that sounded so lame haha)

_ I do from time to time but (this will sound pretty harsh) I try not to.

_ I always wondered. But I doubt I will ever find out. But all you gotta do is ask right? Maybe I will someday.

_ No, that whole situation just has to do with me being lazy. I want to try but I hate the work that's involved with trying. See "lazy" ha.

_ of course, I try to be friendly. But this should be a 50/50 thing. I don't always have to be the one to initiate things cause after a while it gets old and I end up getting annoyed. If things don't change ..expect the cold shoulder. Or just being ignored completely. Either way I'm great at both.

_ Was there ever a time you just randomly missed me like out of the blue? (i know I said there are only answers ..but this IS my answer)

_ It's 4:50 in the morning. The end.

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

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No one suspects at all... ..I keep stalling out.. I just can't keep up 5:17am Dear Santa, Vacant Heart Full Moon Avenue du Bois Winter and I'm scared as hell.. Its not ironic..its just coincidental.. Happy Oct.16th