hear it for
s a n j o s e
name says hi

J A M I E { From UrbanDictionary }
A girl who is intelligent, yet silly. A girl who is cold on the outside, yet warm and cuddly on the inside. A girl who will tell her friends everything, yet she has many secrets hidden. A girl who is a great friend, yet a worthy advesary if you are not a friend of hers. A girl who is extremely sweet and innocent, yet she'll kick someones ass when necessary. link link link
Friday, October 16 @ 12:35 AM
Happy Oct.16th

Happy Oct.16th blog world. Why is today so special? ..because today is the official release of the New Moon OST(soundtrack).

  I heard it on Myspace and I think its fantasmic! My top choices are: Death Cab, Band Of Skulls, Anya, The Killers, and Sea Wolf(this song is super catchy..I think I might investigate deeper). But I really..REALLY want to hear Lupe Fiasco's new track. 

 No, the photo posted is not my current wallpaper I know I was doing the whole NewM-theme but I found this amazing piece of work done by loish@ deviantart.com you can also go to loish.net to see more work. Anyway the art piece is titled Alice and Co. (I think) its absolutely amazing. They also have another piece of a girl blowing bubble and I thought that one was just as good.

 Lets catch you up to speed. Um.ah yes Thursday. Thursday was FUN! I haven't been that drunk in a while. Which lead me to having a ton of fun. I was in the zone! Haha. But good times definitely, I was all over the place. What else is there? Tue. we just celebrated my brothers birthday. Good times there too I'm still waiting for the photos (Lev! Haha). Um and I think that's all I got.

I totally forgot this..but i just reminded myself that I'm going to see The Used on Nov.11th HELL YAH! I mean I keep saying it..but it hasn't hit me yet that I'm really going 

F*ckin Score! G'night. :)
Have a goodONE
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