hear it for
s a n j o s e
name says hi

J A M I E { From UrbanDictionary }
A girl who is intelligent, yet silly. A girl who is cold on the outside, yet warm and cuddly on the inside. A girl who will tell her friends everything, yet she has many secrets hidden. A girl who is a great friend, yet a worthy advesary if you are not a friend of hers. A girl who is extremely sweet and innocent, yet she'll kick someones ass when necessary. link link link
Tuesday, August 25 @ 12:46 AM
So several nights ago I had this dream involving this handsome man to my left Mr. Jeph Howard of The Used. Actually it involved everyone (Quinn, Bert, and Dan but they were only minor players). Anyhow in the dream Jeph and I have been going out for a little while but we haven't seen each other in the past month or so because he lives in LA and I live up north. So I decide to drive on down for a dinner gathering that was happening @ Bert's house with the guys and Bert's g/f. So while at the table I feel uncomfortable because I have this huge news to tell Jeph but I don't want to tell him at the table because I feel it should be something discussed between us first. Unfortunately my uncomfort is showing on my face and Jeph notices and asks me "is something wrong?" but I just smile and nod "no" and continue eating my meal. The meal is coming to a close and we're all just hanging out at the table..I ask Jeph "if there is somewhere we could talk" and we go into Bert's room. I'm pacing back and forth while trying to piece the sentence together in my head and Jeph is just looking at me like "just say it" so I do.. I tell him "I don't think there really is no other way to say this so here it goes... I'm pregnant" and the look on Jeph's face is just blank. And I just stand there waiting for him to say something, anything. From what I remember he doesn't say anything and we walk out of the room towards the table and everyone is just looking at us and I wake up. The End

For those who can interpret dreams...feel free to do so.

Jeph is such a sweetie. I've only met him once but that one time is still the best. It was @ Taste of Chaos and I hung out back for like 7 hours (literally) and I remember Jeph and his at the time girlfriend were coming around the building and I was standing on the corner and in my head was repeating "oh sh*t it's Jeph! go talk to him. No that's rude he's with someone. Would you just get your a** over there and talk to him I'm sure he wont mind. No. Just do it damn it! Fine!" and I started walking over there and I think I was going to ask him something but I can't remember what it was but I do remember him asking me "is there anywhere to shop around here?" and I told him not really no that's more SF. And out around the corner comes Quinn cussing up a storm and he comes up to Jeph and they just start talking and I'm just standing there like "uhh?" haha. But then I asked "do you think I could get a picture with you guys" and Jeph was like "of course". So we stood up against the truck but the sun was facing my cam so his g/f told us to go on the other (much better choice) and *SNAP* but then it was time for them to go in..and the one thing I remember about Jeph was that before they left he turned around and shook my hand and said "it was nice meeting you". And after that I was on cloud 20. Haha it took me a little while to process what had just happened and the first thing I did was text my friend Colleen. Haha. Those were good times.

Oh, yeah. It’s really hard too, meeting people. I consider life moments, sets of moments in your whole life. Because I’m not religious at all, I don’t believe in anything really like that. I believe in moments and that your whole life is sets of these things and each little moment you capture is great. Being on tour you have select moments with people because you’re not going to see that person again or those people again for months probably. You have a day to have a moment with somebody, and that’s pretty much it. It is what it is. But moments are a good thing, you can either share moments and hang out, or you can share moments with other people on the bus and hang out. That’s why I enjoy hanging out with people, I’m all about it.
- Jeph Howard You Sing I Write Interview

Anyhow nothing new has really been happening. Just a lot of shopping which is good cause I so miss it. I picked up 2 cute shirts, 1 cardigan, 1 pair of boots, 1 pair of flats, 4 different pair of leggings (I so needed some and I got the perfect ones from Charlotte Russe I want to pick up another 4 pairs from them), 3 tanks, and several pieces of jewelry. I think I was quite successful. I absolutely love the whole leggins and boots it is just so damn comfy especially when going to the club! Woo! Speaking of clubs we went out this past Saturday to Voodoo which was really fun. I had a good time. It's been awhile since I've had fun at a club. Also major thanks to Edgar who I think just gave me a new a drink: Long Island with Sprite/7-Up it's actually really good. I drank it a little too fast and it hit me pretty hard. But it's all good it makes the party much more fun haha. Oooh and thanks to Crystal for going I was so glad to see her. She's a sweetheart.

I was a in a super Salmon coma yesterday too. Ha ha I have never had so much salmon in one sitting. My gooshness! I'm trying to get my meals in order. I'm trying really hard to watch what I eat and cutting out what I don't need but it hasn't been easy. I have yet to give up soda but I do drink it a lot less than usual. I only drink it when I go out to eat which is very rare. Instead of eating fast food I've mostly been eating sandwiches (Turkey breast mMm) with some kind of fruit on the side grapes/nectarines/strawberries whatever is in the fridge. Wash it down with some water or Apple Juice (i never realized how much I really like apple juice haha.. I only buy the light ..you can really taste the difference too). And with my lack of vegetables I guzzle down some V8 Fusions. My mom really hates it I don't know why but I love it. I try to do the V8F Light cause it's low in sodium. I am not a fan of salads never was. I don't have a "taste" for it. Some people say "oh it's all in your head" so when I put lettuce in my mouth and I want to gag that's all in my head? Like I said I don't have a taste for it. I'm a fruit girl 100%. Ha ha. My one pitfall is I barely work out. I somewhat try to be active (not really) but I feel that if I do work out it will help out a lot. With all the minor meal changes that I have made I have dropped 8 pounds though! It's not much but to me that's freaking awesome! So I'm very proud of myself..

Well I'm out of thoughts..I'm stuck on TU and I'm gonna go play Cake Mania haha. Before I leave I want to dedicate this blog to Jeph Howard for being an awesome bass player and a very down to earth guy. I send you a mental hi-5 and hug combo.

Later blog world.

Photo Courtesy of: You Sing I Write
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