hear it for
s a n j o s e
name says hi

J A M I E { From UrbanDictionary }
A girl who is intelligent, yet silly. A girl who is cold on the outside, yet warm and cuddly on the inside. A girl who will tell her friends everything, yet she has many secrets hidden. A girl who is a great friend, yet a worthy advesary if you are not a friend of hers. A girl who is extremely sweet and innocent, yet she'll kick someones ass when necessary. link link link
Monday, July 27 @ 4:09 AM

 I'm really loving that song by a band called Phoenix. Also the song "Take Me Home" by After Midnight Project very catchy, and on repeat.

 I love my Pre. I know that this phone isn't perfect but those minor imperfections can be fixed in future updates or homebrew apps haha. I think the one thing for everyone is Ringtones. What can I say? We love our ringtones, we love being able to control what song/sound plays when we receive a call or text message. I personally don't mind the new chime. I didn't mind the old one either. After messing with my old Sanyo MM-5600 which is currently my mom's phone I noticed it was pretty damn customizable. So that made me want to list out what I would like to see for the Palm Pre:

* Having the center button's light pulsate when the phone is in sleep mode when you receive a text/missed phone call/email alerts/ etc. I think it would super helpful cause it does get rather irritating having to check your phone constantly

* Have the alarm prefrences include volume. I know that you can choose what tone you'd like to go off but I thought that it was weird that the alarm alert and system sound volume were connected I might want my alarm louder than ever but not my system sounds.

* The ability to change SMS alert and volume.

* The ability to forward SMS messages.

* To be able to make playlists with the music that is currently on your Pre (I would love this one)

* A macro setting for the camera and zoom.

...what else is there?

* To be able to select multiple pictures to delete/send/etc the same goes with emails

* To save pictures from the web. Like if the orange button could be like a right-click that would open a drop down menu with the option to save/send/copy you know the usual stuff you do with images hehe.

  And I think that's it for now. Moving on..we went out to Voodoo this past Saturday it was cool. Ran into some familiar faces. I don't know what's going on but I feel like I'm losing that party excitement. I feel like I get excited to go out but once we do my excitement is just gone. Like it does a 180 on me. I know things will never be how they were back then but man I miss those days. 

  What else is there? ...oh I almost had a topic but I didn't want to go there haha. I guess that's it Have a good week. And a great Monday

'Cream Spinach Yo!'

PS- The photo is a pic of me and my Bubby hanging out before bed. 

Sent from my Sprint® Palm Prē

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Turn into..hope I do..turn into you Am I Missing A Tooth? Zwah.. How could you be so heartless My patience has paid off... Wishlist 5 days later. Patience Is a Virtue..