hear it for
s a n j o s e
name says hi

J A M I E { From UrbanDictionary }
A girl who is intelligent, yet silly. A girl who is cold on the outside, yet warm and cuddly on the inside. A girl who will tell her friends everything, yet she has many secrets hidden. A girl who is a great friend, yet a worthy advesary if you are not a friend of hers. A girl who is extremely sweet and innocent, yet she'll kick someones ass when necessary. link link link
Monday, June 8 @ 2:08 AM
Patience Is a Virtue..
Woo! It's my first official post on my brand new Blogger Blog. I've been meaning to post these past couple of days but I just kept puting it off.

I was hoping that I would be typing this on my brand new Pre but unfortunately things didn't go as planned. If only I didn't get drunk the night before things probably would have played out differently. But I'm not too sad about it the biggest issue for me was getting the money together and as long as I have that supplied I have no worries. I know I know I could have gone to a Sprint store but I just can't afford to pay $300 getting the $200 alone was hard enough. But I know that if I could wait for her for 2-3 months I could wait a couple of weeks. My goal is to get my phone from Best Buy. The bad part is they probably won't get their next shipment till July or so. In the meantime whatever earnings I manage to make I will be puting towards purchasing my accessories.

I thought for a while about the Touchstone and realized it is something I could do without. Yes, it is an amazing piece of equipment but I feel that I don't need to spend that extra $60 on this item. I'd rather use to get me an extra battery, a battery charger, and a invisibleshield cover.

I did play with one though. I went into my local Sprint store in McCarthy Ranch and was able to finally hold her. And yes she is quite small. But like it's a good small. Like I don't feel like I'm going to drop it. It literally felt like it fit into the palm of my hand. I pushed up the screen to check out the keyboard. And I love that too. My brother has an Instinct and I just get so frustrated sometimes when I type on it. I've had my Blackberry for a about a year I think almost going on two and I just got so use to having a keyboard. And it doesn't bother me that the Pre does not have a screen keyboard when you are in landscape mode web browsing. I only checked out a couple of apps.

Like contacts. My big concern was entering numbers. For example my mom has several different work numbers that I can reach her at (direct,front desk,etc) but on my blackberry you only get 2 slots..but on the pre you can have like as many work numbers your contact needs which I think is really cool.
I also tried out the web browser which was really fast. It started going and I was just like "damn" I was messing around with the pinch feature which will take some getting use to.
And then I tried out the memo pad for fun-sies. I love how they made it a pin board it's so cool and how every new memo pad is a different color. I mean it's nothing huge but I think it shows how detailed Palm went into puting this webOS together. Like they made it functional but they also made it pleasing to the eye (I hope that makes sense).

In the short time I spent with the Pre it made me more excited and it made me want it a hell of a lot more. So I'm just sitting her patiently waiting for my call to come in. Unless I become employed and you can bet your ass my first paycheck is going to get me my Pre.

I haven't typed like this on my Bberry in so long that my pink is actually starting to fall asleep haha.


Sent from my Sprint® BlackBerry

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