hear it for
s a n j o s e
name says hi

J A M I E { From UrbanDictionary }
A girl who is intelligent, yet silly. A girl who is cold on the outside, yet warm and cuddly on the inside. A girl who will tell her friends everything, yet she has many secrets hidden. A girl who is a great friend, yet a worthy advesary if you are not a friend of hers. A girl who is extremely sweet and innocent, yet she'll kick someones ass when necessary. link link link
Wednesday, July 15 @ 1:52 AM
Am I Missing A Tooth?
 Steak Night!!!

 So this past Sunday me and my mom went to the American Idols Live 2009 show and it was pretty cool. I've never seen my mom so happy. You could just see the excitement all over her face. It was quite cool. We got amazing seats too. We were on the floor, section 1, row 9! I've never had a reserved seat that close to the stage. I'm so glad I got to share the experience with her.

 I told her I would give her my tips and tricks on going to shows and I most definitely think it paid off in the end. My first one was (some people might disagree) but my thin is if you're hungry..GO EAT! Save yourself the headache and fatigue. Thank goodness there was a concession stand for the floor seats (woo!). So I bought a hot dog and 2 bottled waters (I started to get really thirsty). Turns out my mom had headache and the hot dog I bought was just enough to hold her off till  we got to Denny's.

After the show I told her lets go out to the back where it is well known that the artist come out to sign autographs and take pictures with friends. My only one downfall is there was a very rude security guard. For me it's like just because you have that uniform on, a walkie talkie, and an earpiece doesn't mean you have to be a jerk! Me and my mom ended up getting stuck between two metal barriers and the same SG came over and told us to move back on the curb so I was like 'fine' but then he started yelling like we weren't moving or something and I just couldn't take it so I yelled back telling him 'look were moving alright you don't need to yell' and he starts pushing the barriers together and I notice my mom is getting squished and then he starts to yell again so at that point I've had it and again I yelled back telling him 'were trying to get out damnit but your squishing my mom!' after that he asked politely. Ask whatever you need us to do but don't go and start being all disrespectful!

Anyway my mom really wanted to me Adam Lambert she constantly goes on and on about him. Its quite cute. (I even AdamPimped her phone) she kept worrying that all the people across the street were going to get to meet them but I told her to just be patient and if nothing happens don't be bitter. About an hour and 20minutes later her dream came true and she got his signature and a somewhat good photo. But not just him but Kris Allen and Micheal (I don't know his last name). After that she was (as I put) on cloud 20 in the suite with the amazing view.
 After that I talked my mom into going to Denny's to celebrate. I think it was a great wa to end the night I love my All American Slam. She had work the next but I could tell that she could care less.

 I have one serious craving for something chocolatey like a brownie. That sounds pretty good!

Cream Spinach Yo!
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Zwah.. How could you be so heartless My patience has paid off... Wishlist 5 days later. Patience Is a Virtue..