hear it for
s a n j o s e
name says hi

J A M I E { From UrbanDictionary }
A girl who is intelligent, yet silly. A girl who is cold on the outside, yet warm and cuddly on the inside. A girl who will tell her friends everything, yet she has many secrets hidden. A girl who is a great friend, yet a worthy advesary if you are not a friend of hers. A girl who is extremely sweet and innocent, yet she'll kick someones ass when necessary. link link link
Thursday, October 8 @ 12:16 AM
All this time oblivious, to what you make so obvious

•...You are reaching/ for something that is beating/ I can't believe I never noticed my heart before/ over and again/ racing out of my skin/ I can't believe I never noticed my heart before...• - "Noticed"

Yes, yes I am all about NM posters for my phone. I'm REPRESENTIN! Haha. You know if I had to rep for a character..he's a minor player but: Seth! Seth is awesome! cause he's the whatever person. He doesn't care and I love that. He cracks me up from time to time. Jacob is cool too. Just the things he says. One of my favorite lines he says is "does my being half naked bother you?" I was busting up so hard when he said that. Classic.

Anyway that is my new wallpaper. I just got it today. I edited it a bit in Photoshop. I didn't like the color of his eyes in the original. I don't know if someone tweaked it cause his eyes were a bit more on the grey side so I added a light yellow ring and put them on the "color burn" setting (I think) to give it that goldish color. That was one of the major things I loved about Edwards look. Plus everytime Bella described his eyes..I think she kept saying they were like gold rings or something I have a horrible memory. But anyway I love how his skin is very pale so it makes his eyes pop even more. I tried to go brighter but because of the setting it kept turning grey.

I also have the other poster with Belles, Jake, and Edward. Hey I gotta rep for Jacob too! I still think its crazy how much Taylor has grown!! From Cheaper By The Dozen to now..its just like damn you grew! Haha. Me and my mom were actually having a discussion about him.. I read in an interview that he would love to be like Matt Damon. And I started thinking 'you know he kind of reminds me of Matt like face shape wise" and me and my mom joked 'if we ever wondered what Matt's son would look like..I'd point to a photo of Taylor' haha. Its just my opinion I think he does personally. Moving on..

I'm still in the MuteMath zone. I'm loving it. They're sound is just amazing. My top songs @ the moment are: Goodbye, Noticed, Backfire, Burden, Odds, Spotlight, Electrify, Armistice, No Response, and Clipping. I'm still working on their self-titled album cause I just got it. But I love the song "Noticed" and "Reset". But I've been bouncing between MM, Paramore, and Muse.

I'm feeling a bit better. My back pain comes and goes But I've just been getting really bad headaches. But other than that I'm dealing with it.

After a good 3 week hiatus. I'm finally returning to the club scene. My brother will be playing tomorrow night gotta go out and support yah know.

Oh yea go check out the new video for Death Cab For Cutie's track 'Meet Me On The Equinox'. I thought it was shot very well. I also thought the shots from the movie went perfectly with the song But don't take my word for it go check it out YouTube it, MTV it, or whatever you do.

I'm going back to my tunes have a good Thursday.
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Mute - - - • Math My heart is nothing. 115. Eclipse Graduation. Cleaning out my life. You could be empty Scrub Zone... Interpretation Born To Quit From the mess to the masses..