hear it for
s a n j o s e
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J A M I E { From UrbanDictionary }
A girl who is intelligent, yet silly. A girl who is cold on the outside, yet warm and cuddly on the inside. A girl who will tell her friends everything, yet she has many secrets hidden. A girl who is a great friend, yet a worthy advesary if you are not a friend of hers. A girl who is extremely sweet and innocent, yet she'll kick someones ass when necessary. link link link
Tuesday, September 1 @ 2:59 AM
You could be empty

.and I can be right here empty with you..

  Mon congrats to The Used on their brand new release "Artwork". I personally think this album is amazing. It gave me a reason to use my stereo which I haven't used in a couple years (seriously). I opened all of the disc holders to find that the cd's that got left inside are just covered in dust. Haha how sad.

   I really love this band. I can't say I've been there since the exact beginning but I was there on the sidelines. And now I feel a part of the team. That sounded lame haha basically I'm a big fan. I think its kind of lame when other fans are like I've liked them since so and so Its like dude who the f*ck cares either your a fan or not. 

 But yah this is definitely a great album. I had this funny moment where I was getting ready and I just kept singing "watered down" and everytime I tried to sing a new song I kept going back to that one. Eventually I ended up playing the song. You know you sing a song so much that you need to hear it. Haha well yah that's what happened.

 I can't wait to hear these songs live.

 Oh I have another story I was do The Used scavenger hunt. Where you have to go to different Hot Tpics and tell them the secret word and if you get it right and if you get the right store you win this usb drive..anyway so I'm driving around and it was kind of funny to go into several (4) different HT's hearing a different track from Artwork. Only 1 store wasn't playing the cd. And no, I didn't find it. I didn't want to use up all of my brother's gas AND I was getting super hungry I had literally been out all day. Plus I didn't have a whole lot of stores. In a span of 5 hours I only went to 4 stores. It only took so long cause all these stores are so damn far apart + it was rush hour + people don't know how to drive + I was shopping in every mall I hit up. (I only bought 1 item a tank that says "hugs for everyone" haha)

 If I had to choose one top choice song.. I think I'll have to go with 


The beginning is super badass! Well I'm gonna go I'm not good @ singing and typing @ the same time. I live you with this picture of The Used. Courtesy of AltPress. Check out Jeph's smokin mustache ha.

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Scrub Zone... Interpretation Born To Quit From the mess to the masses.. Close your eyes... Lisztomania Turn into..hope I do..turn into you Am I Missing A Tooth? Zwah.. How could you be so heartless