hear it for
s a n j o s e
name says hi

J A M I E { From UrbanDictionary }
A girl who is intelligent, yet silly. A girl who is cold on the outside, yet warm and cuddly on the inside. A girl who will tell her friends everything, yet she has many secrets hidden. A girl who is a great friend, yet a worthy advesary if you are not a friend of hers. A girl who is extremely sweet and innocent, yet she'll kick someones ass when necessary. link link link
Thursday, February 18 @ 2:21 AM
..I keep stalling out.. I just can't keep up
There's alarming doubt
Am I good enough
But you keep coming around
To convince me
It's still far from over
"Stall Out" MuteMath

Let me start this blog off by saying "Happy New Year". 2 months into the new year and I haven't posted much of anything.. Or we can turn that anything into "nothing" ..it's more accurate.

I hope everyone had a safe and fun new years. 

To catch you up to speed. I still don't have a car but I AM employed. The job may only be temporary but I am employed none the less. I am currently working with CDS (again) and so far it has been so good. My co-workers are great and my supervisors are neat-O with a capital O! It's the "what to do after" that brings you up short. It should be the main thing on my mind but I'm trying to not let get to wherever it's destination is suppose to be.

You ever wish that when you write something, or in my case "blog" something that you had more to say? Well that's where I am. The night I decided to jott (?) something down is the night where head is completely empty. I wish I was more proactive on the nights my head is swarming with: ideas, thoughts, concerns, wonderings, epiphanys (these happen rare.. Haha) I think you get my drift. I always decide to write when I've got nothing to write about.

Haven't really had any interesting dreams only a weird on about me saving 4 just born kittens. It was strange and very random but the kitties were so cute.

 I did have a dream where I saw someone I haven't seen in a while. I do remember my reaction being something like "what are you doing?" not in a surprising way but a "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" way ..haha or I've got a better one it was more like a "Why are you here?!" and I do remember them saying something like they wanted to see me or something but I was in no mood. But me being the person that I am.. Went along wit it.

 If in any case this dream was trying to give me some kind of insight to something or a "heads up" .. Then all I can say is ..hmm. You put so much effort to try and push something away and every once in a while you get to a point where you think you got and then dreams like this throw you a curve ball. But you know what I don't even care anymore. I can be friendly, I can be cordial. I'm great at that.. I feel I have moved on and starting with a clean slate is a great way to start. Sure there is some random, confusing history but if I have to sweep this stuff under the rug to not give a sh*t then so be it.. 

Goodnight. Good Morning.
Good Morrow.

I'm love the CDS: Zed soundtrack. GOOD STUFF!
-- Sent from my Palm Pre

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5:17am Dear Santa, Vacant Heart Full Moon Avenue du Bois Winter and I'm scared as hell.. Its not ironic..its just coincidental.. Happy Oct.16th All this time oblivious, to what you make so obvious Mute - - - • Math