hear it for
s a n j o s e
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J A M I E { From UrbanDictionary }
A girl who is intelligent, yet silly. A girl who is cold on the outside, yet warm and cuddly on the inside. A girl who will tell her friends everything, yet she has many secrets hidden. A girl who is a great friend, yet a worthy advesary if you are not a friend of hers. A girl who is extremely sweet and innocent, yet she'll kick someones ass when necessary. link link link
Tuesday, November 24 @ 2:27 AM
Winter and I'm scared as hell..

 Talk about pure boredom to the max. Actually I was presenting my newly trimmed hair Not that you can tell. I took off a good inch and a half or so. I wanted to mainly get rid of my dead ends cause they look terrible!
 It started with a trim of the bangs and then I thought you know what..just do the rest.

 How is everyone on this lovely 2am Tuesday morning? Good? Tired? Awesome.

It was a full on New Moon weekend for me and I loved every moment of it. I'm glad I was part of the midnight opening record.. You start to think to yourself "yup, I was a part of that" haha. I didn't get home till about 2/3am and I didn't fall asleep till 4. But the next day I was only running on 2 hrs of sleep and went to watch the movie again in the afternoon. And I'm so glad my mom went to watch it with me on Saturday. I wanted to go on Sunday but I think my body wanted me to recover so I did. I couldn't fight with myself on that one..

 Everytime though I went to go see this movie I felt like I was watching it for the first time. The excitement always took me by surprise. Chris Weitz I tip my hat to you. Very good job. And I raise my glass for Taylor Lautner. I doubt he'll ever read this but Taylor you OWNED this movie. Everyone keeps saying it but its so true when you watch it..this was your movie..this was JACOB's MOVIE!!

You portrayed him so well! You got this little hit of excitement when he came on screen (besides his bulging biceps). Especially after the fight w/Paul you were happy to see him standing there. I don't know I just think Taylor did phenomenal! Oh man at the end too when Bella.. Talk about a teary moment.. I raise my glass to you Taylor on doing such a good job. "Cheers"

I know you love my crown. I had to rep for Jake and Ed. I can kind of see where Bells was coming from its like Edward pretty much steals her heart in Twilight but Jacob will always have a huge spot in her heart. Besides the fact that she's known him since they were little its obvious that she cares for him deeply but her heart will always belong to Edward. And as much it hurts to watch her choose I can totally understand.

Anyhow..oh yeah The Used concert was amazing! I think I talked about that already.. What else is there? Oh haha my brother is driving Edward's car (temporarily) from Twilight. What are the odds though right? His truck went into the shop and out of all the Volvo cars they could choose from they gave him the XC30.. Despite the fact that its Ed's car its pretty damn bad ass! My brother loves it! Its got power too! I told him I wouldn't mind owning that car! My mom joked with me.."I bet you would love to own a car" and I was like "oh hell yah especially that car in particular..oh HELL YAH" haha was she hinting @ something? I can only wish haha

 Umm. Its been a while since I've wroten anything. Well I'm all out of ideas..I hope you all have a safe Thanksgiving. Drive Safely. Don't drink and drive. And for heavens sake WEAR YOUR DAMN SEATBELT! Also to those like myself hitting up Black Friday be careful!

Goodnight San Jose.
-- Sent from my Palm Prē

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