hear it for
s a n j o s e
name says hi

J A M I E { From UrbanDictionary }
A girl who is intelligent, yet silly. A girl who is cold on the outside, yet warm and cuddly on the inside. A girl who will tell her friends everything, yet she has many secrets hidden. A girl who is a great friend, yet a worthy advesary if you are not a friend of hers. A girl who is extremely sweet and innocent, yet she'll kick someones ass when necessary. link link link
Friday, November 27 @ 2:16 AM
Avenue du Bois
  The title has nothing to do with my post ..it just happens to be the upcoming track about to play. Hear the song from the Coco Avant Chanel score/soundtrack I'm not really sure which one you should use all I can tell you is that I love this cd as well as the movie..cheers to Audrey Tautou!

 So I've been trying to keep up with this thing that I do which is when I have a dream is to write it down or in this case post it. Its more for my benefit and besides I love blogging (I sound like the girl in the commercial haha) my posts were and are never meant to hold anyones interests but if for some strange reason they do..Neat. 

 Moving right along the trail here..so the night before last I had this strange dream. I was at what seemed to be a bike show where they did all these crazy tricks. I was by myself hanging out in the crowd watching the stunts. But the bikes were in a huge dome cage like the ones you see @ a Ringling Bros show so you couldn't really see from the angle that our seats were placed so out of nowhere our seats start to raise up and angle downward. It was because our seats were on this huge platform that rose(?) and circled the dome. It was crazy but kind of cool cause you could finally see the bikers doing all their tricks.

 Skip forward cause either I'm missing a piece of my dream or it just happened to really skip forward . I'm walking with a guy hand in hand but I have no idea who he is..it seems like were walking on yellow dried up grass and there are a bunch of booths around us like a carnival minus the rides.

 So I'm a little in shock but I try to keep my cool maybe I do know who he is but my mind went blank for a few mins. Anyway I turn to look at him and in an instant I'm happy to see him and I couldn't help myself and I just kissed him like I hadn't seen him in weeks. I can't remember his face but I do know that he was taller than me cause I remember having to kind of stand a little taller to reach, he was fairly light skinned, he had black hair that went up. Not like spikey but. hmm how can I describe it? It was spiked but it was soft like he used putty instead of gel (which is so much nicer if you ask me cause it makes ur hair look touchable and we ladies love that..or I do)

 The kiss felt extremely real. And after we kissed I was just so happy. Like I could feel that he was truly in love with me. So we continued walking and I felt this little hand touch my leg and we stop. I look down and this little kid is going on and on about something but I'm just kind of like "huh?" and so to not seem like a jerk I kneeled toward the kid and said "I'm sorry what?" and the kid went on again but end the sentence with a "...right mommy?" and the kid just smiled at me. My face just said "CONFUSED" all over it..I didn't know what to say so I just smiled and said "that's right" and we continued walking..

 I was still in shock but the more we walked the shock kept fading away. I started to feel like this was right, like it felt right. The kid just kept asking random questions (and you know how kids are..haha you just let their imagination run wild..) And I would answer them to the best of my ability.

The more and more this went on the more I felt a sense of comfort like "yes, this is my life" and I was truly happy. I looked at my left hand and noticed my wedding ring and then it finally hit me. This is MY family. I looked at the guy next to me and said to myself "..this is my husband" and he just smiled back at me and kissed my cheek. The kid was about 3yrs old, slightly tan, with black hair walking ahead of us. The kid turned around and smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back and in my head the words finally hit me...

"...that's my son"


Craaaaaazy right. The even crazier thing was my moms reaction. Idk why this dream was crazier..maybe its because when kids are involved there never is an actual kid normally its just me pregnant. But this was like a fast forward..I had a husband..and I had a kid..but not only a kid..I had a son. The kids was actually really cute. He had the cutest smile and was just all over the place. So many question..tons of curiosity which I can see where he got that from (me..haha) 

 But idk what's with me and kids. Maybe its cause everyone is having'em. I mean I'd love to have kids. I don't think I'd be ready right now..but maybe when I feel my life is more stable and the time is right. Maybe my maternal instincts are going nuts or something (yes, I am very maternal its like an automatic switch)

 Hm. I guess I'll never know where these dreams are coming from. I will say something though. I felt very happy and complete. Oh well..we'll never know

Sont nos rêves la vérité sous un déguisement?

Vendredi matin noir
-- Sent from my Palm Prē

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Winter and I'm scared as hell.. Its not ironic..its just coincidental.. Happy Oct.16th All this time oblivious, to what you make so obvious Mute - - - • Math My heart is nothing. 115. Eclipse Graduation. Cleaning out my life. You could be empty