hear it for
s a n j o s e
name says hi

J A M I E { From UrbanDictionary }
A girl who is intelligent, yet silly. A girl who is cold on the outside, yet warm and cuddly on the inside. A girl who will tell her friends everything, yet she has many secrets hidden. A girl who is a great friend, yet a worthy advesary if you are not a friend of hers. A girl who is extremely sweet and innocent, yet she'll kick someones ass when necessary. link link link
Thursday, December 3 @ 3:00 AM
Full Moon
 After a short time spent together and only two trips, Edward's car is finally going back to the dealership. My brother's truck is officially done..its just a little sad to see such an I guess you can call it an "iconic" car go. I guess for those in the know can consider it that haha.

 I'm just glad that I got to ride it more than just around the block. Its actually not a bad car..I really like it and its got power..my only downfall was the passenger seat. It took us awhile to figure it out. I don't see why the passenger seat can't be automated..we're the navigators!! Haha

 So how is everyone on this lovely Thursday mornin'? Good I hope. My cough is somewhat clearing up. Its not completely gone but I can say its getting there.

26minutes remaining...

 I'm waiting for one of my conversions to finish so I can lie down. One more trip to the movies and I will make my personal goal. I'm 4/5 at the moment for New Moon. And once I get that 5 it will be official it would be the "most times I have seen the same movie in theaters". Normally its only 2 but what can I say?? I love NEW MOON! I don't care to admit it nor deny it.

 I'm even more excited to see Eclipse (which was my favorite book) the one thing I hated though was when Edward would call Jacob a "mongrel" ugh!! To me that sounded worse than calling him a dog. Shame on you Edward.

You know Rob hasn't been in the news for quite some time. Kudos to you Mr.Pattinson kudos to you. Soak up this silence as much as you can.

This is just another post of nonsense and what not. No crazy dreams like my last..although I did have a dream I was shopping only to be letdown when I woke up that the cute shirt I had bought in my dream was nowhere to be found. Damn!

Pleasant dreams..
-- Sent from my Palm Prē

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Avenue du Bois Winter and I'm scared as hell.. Its not ironic..its just coincidental.. Happy Oct.16th All this time oblivious, to what you make so obvious Mute - - - • Math My heart is nothing. 115. Eclipse Graduation. Cleaning out my life.