hear it for
s a n j o s e
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J A M I E { From UrbanDictionary }
A girl who is intelligent, yet silly. A girl who is cold on the outside, yet warm and cuddly on the inside. A girl who will tell her friends everything, yet she has many secrets hidden. A girl who is a great friend, yet a worthy advesary if you are not a friend of hers. A girl who is extremely sweet and innocent, yet she'll kick someones ass when necessary. link link link
Tuesday, December 7 @ 11:08 PM
I'm a Catch 22.
So before I begin my never ending brag let's fill you in on what's new with me. Well I have a tumblr now. It is a neat way to blog but I still will always keep my Blogspot blog. I feel like I can say anything in this blog and once it get's put out there it doesn't really bother me who reads. Yet on tumblr I seem to edit what I post. Mostly random thoughts and filling out "memes". Never knew what they were and now I do. The other thing that's new is I'm in bed @ 11:11pm (MAKE A WISH) and I am actually going to bed soon. What's the difference between then and now is that I have a reason to. That's right after all the wait I am currently temporarily employed. For the next 2 months I will be working in a fast paced zone where there is a fairly good amount of things going on that it's hard to get a handle on things. You just hope that you remember most of it the next day.

So I hope you're ready blog. I am a Catch 22. And so is my current situation. I mean so far it is moving towards a positive step and is a great gateway into something bigger. And with the current state of things I should be grateful that I was given this opportunity and believe me I am. It feels good to get some funds in my pocket and that's about it. I should be more happy that I have something to be happy about, that I finally have something that I have been bitching about for the past couple of years and here I am acting like an ungrateful b*tch. Of course I will never say it out loud but maybe even saying it out loud would be better then keeping it pushed down inside. I am probably the worst indecisive person ever. I mean we all do things we don't want to do right? We spend our lives working for the dollar and even then that doesn't make us that happy. And the only way to be truly happy is to do something that makes you happy. Right? Sadly the only things that make me happy are hobbies.. I think trying to figure out how to turn those hobbies into a career is the hard part. But I feel that's what stopping me there is that my hobbies never last. So making a career out of hobbies is not on the top of my list. But that's just me I know some people that have become very successful at doing what they love.

But what do I love? I did love working for Cirque Du Soleil but I was never a fan of doing the tear down.. out of everything that was the only thing that I was ever happy to go through. I use to think that even working in HR would make me happy. Maybe the idea of the traveling circus and running away with them is what would make me happy. If Cirque offered me a position even for HR I would accept in a heartbeat. I feel that it's an experience I would never have anywhere else. Would I ever move to Canada to work for Cirque? I would highly consider it. I saw this video I believe on the Cirque site I'm not sure and it was sort of giving a tour on what is like to work there and to be honest it seemed like heaven to me. It made me want to jump on a plan and see this place with my own eyes. Everyone there seemed so happy that they weren't just working for the dollar. Like they enjoyed where they worked, they enjoyed what they did and it made me think "that's where I want to be". I don't know how I would contribute to Cirque but I'm sure some way it would help me open up my creative mind.

Hmm.. well it's getting pretty late. I really just needed to get this out of my system. Thanks Blogger for being there for me. Even if you don't talk back.
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I'm a Catch 22. A Ship of Coincidences A Crush Out Of Reach... Knit your heart out.. Frick.. Frick.. Frick on a stick! So heavy... Don't test me.. A slip of the hand and off to dreamland... I don't understand.. I'll miss you $30