hear it for
s a n j o s e
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![]() A Ship of Coincidences
There was girl who went on a cruise ship with a couple of friends for a celebration. She was slightly tall, dark haired, cinnnamon colored skin, and outgoing yet shy. She never really left home and if it was, it was only for a short period of time. But she knew that this trip was necessary.. she needed the break from her usual scene and when her friends suggested the trip to her, she jumped in head first with no questions asked. One night the girl and her friends decided to go out to dinner. She wore a short sleeve blue dress that wrapped around the waist with cream colored peep-toe heels. As they were walking to the table someone called out her name. She didn’t think much of it but her name was then called out again but this time a lot closer then before. She stopped to turn around..when she did she let out the words “oh my gosh” under her breath. It was one of those “what are the odds moments”. This was a person whom she hadn’t spoken to or saw in years. With their history all she wanted to do was just forget about them and their past and the things that happened along the way. He was tall, handsome, tan skinned, nicely built, and a good dresser. They conversated a bit about how was very odd that they would end up on the same cruise ship at the same time. Was it fate or merely a coincidence? She invited the man to join her with her friends at their table for dinner and he was happy to accept. At the table there wasn’t a whole lot of conversation going on between the two of them. Only simple questions with very short answers. As she looked at him she could tell that his attention was elsewere. His face in her mind read to her “I’d rather be somewhere else”. He stared out towards the water behind him and she sipped her water and looked around the room hoping for another conversation to start up to kill the uncomfortable silence. Then he walked in. He was tall, slim built, dark haired, short hair, very handsome with a contagious smile. He had brown eyes and wore a blue suit, with a white buttoned shirt and a loose tie. She watched him walk in and the only word that popped in her head was “wow”. She was so drawn into him that she went sort of into a daze and when her friends called her name she heard nothing. A friend sitting next to her shook her by the arm to grab her attention and snapped her out of her daze. They asked her if she was alright and she took a sip of her water and nodded “yes” to them. He walked by their table and she glanced at him, he looked towards her and when he did she looked back down at the table with a shy smile and giggled to herself trying to hid behind her clear glass of water. As he walked past she looked back up at him and he was staring straight ahead with a smirk like smile on his face. Her friends decided to call it a night and went to head back to their room. She thanked her friend for joining them for dinner and wished him a goodnight. She wasn’t tired and decided to explore the ship but before that she thought a little vino might make the night more interesting. She stopped by the bar to pick up glass and started to walk towards the main area of the ship. She was walking along and then “BOOM” the arm of a man ran right into her arm that was holding her wine while her arm ran into the arm of a man whose arm was holding his wine. Her wine poured on him and his on her. They both stood there kind of in shock looking at the garments to assess the damage. She shook the wine off of her arm and immediately began to apologize to the man. The man as well started to apologize taking off his jacket shaking off any left over wine. She continued to apologize until she looked up. It was him the man that she saw walking into the dinning hall that sent her into a daze. She tried her best to hide her smile feeling that it would give too much away.. He: Oh; I mean “Hello” Her: Hello He: I’m so sorry about your dress. Her: No it’s fine, I’m really sorry about your jacket. He: Oh no need to worry, I felt my jacket was missing something. Can I buy you a drink? Her: If only I can buy you one as well He: Sounds fair. The two walked to the bar and picked up two more glasses of wine. The night was still young and the two started to talk about a nightclub that was on the ship and thought it would be fun to do a little bit of dancing. Drinks were poured left and right and the two were having the time of their lives. The club was soon over and they went for a walk on the outside of the ship. It was slightly chilly and he offered her his jacket.. She thanked him and he drapped it over her shoulders. As they walked they talked about their lives, what they did, their memories, their weird moments, the funny ones as well as the sad. She was getting tired and thought it would be a good idea to head back to their rooms. With so much alcohol consumed it wasn’t easy for her to walk back.. he being such a gentlemen helped her with every step. When they got to her room, her eyes were struggling to stay open. He opened the door and walked her to the bed. He pulled the sheets down and helped her into bed. When she layed down she still held onto his jacket that covered her shoulders.. He took a piece of paper from the notepad by her bed, wrote a note and slipped it into the pocket on the inside of the jacket and pulled the covers over her and left the room. She woke up the next morning with the sun shinning in her eyes and the smell of cologne surrounding her. She sat up in bed and felt the lining of the jacket behind her. She grabbed the jacket trying to remember what happened last night and thought of the man that she met the night before. She patted down the jacket and heard a crinkle noise from the paper on the inside of the jacket. She pulled out the paper and read it to herself.. The note said “Breakfast, Dinning Hall 11am? ” She looked at the clock that read 10am and she quickly jumped out of bed and hurried to get ready. With the coat in hand she walked out of her room and closed the door as her door closed another door only a couple of doors down closed as well.. She looked to see who it was and to her amazement it was him. They laughed to themselves for a minute and he began to walk over… He: Goodmorning Her: Goodmorning.. I believe this jacket is your He: Right, thanks. Her: No, thank you He: How’s the hangover? Her: Slowly going away.. He: Breakfast? Her: Sounds good He: Oh I’m Joseph by the way Her: Jamie He: Nice to meet you Her: Nice to meet you And they lived happily ever after. Actually I don’t know what happened after this. I woke up by then. But it was a great dream. Maybe there will be a part two.. Sweet Dreams.. Labels: JGL |