hear it for
s a n j o s e
name says hi

J A M I E { From UrbanDictionary }
A girl who is intelligent, yet silly. A girl who is cold on the outside, yet warm and cuddly on the inside. A girl who will tell her friends everything, yet she has many secrets hidden. A girl who is a great friend, yet a worthy advesary if you are not a friend of hers. A girl who is extremely sweet and innocent, yet she'll kick someones ass when necessary. link link link
Monday, May 17 @ 2:34 PM
Don't test me..
So last night was another one of my trippy dreams.. Unfortunately I don't really remember a whole lot of it. I woke up in the middle of my dream and then the memory of it started disappearing fast.. but when I went back to sleep I actually got back to the same dream but it took a turn.

So I know in my dream it had certain someone.. but he didn't look exactly like himself.. he looked like a mixture of himself and someone else but in my dream it was that certain someone. I don't really know how it go to where it did but I was super pissed off at him. I think I thought he stole something.. I can't even remember what it was all I know is that he ended up getting arrested for it. Not even sure if I was the one that called on him.. all I know is that whatever it was he took belonged to me and I was angry! So I'm at home and I am just fuming then I see like a package on my bed with a bow and note. And the note was written by (I forgot to mention that the guy was my boyfriend) him and it said something like "it wasn't right to take my stuff but it was going to a good cause to get me something that I really wanted but just couldn't afford" something on the lines of that and that he was really sorry. I still don't know what it was that I wanted so bad but when I opened the package I started crying. I got to the precinct (that's right I just magically appeared there haha) and I saw the officer who was just dressed in beige slacks and a white button up shirt.. about to take away my boyfriend in handcuffs. I called out to the policeman to not take him and when I got to my boyfriend I had tears just falling from eyes..and I hugged him tightly. Saying something like "i know why you had to do it and thank you" I just kept telling him thank you. Then the cops let him go right then and there.

Now I don't know what happened after that.. I think is where I woke and fell back asleep. But now were at home and we were cleaning out the garage and I think there was like a little girl running back and forth from the house to the garage and I told her to just stay in the house so she wouldn't get hurt. The garage is basically empty and I'm standing outside by the garage door trying to lift it up to stick something near the latch (or whatever) and my b/f is standing by a truck and then this maroon car pulls into our driveway which turns out to be a friend of ours. Back then though me and the driver use to date or something..
Turns out the driver is Kiowa Gordon.. Crazy!

Who is Kiowa Gordon.. well that is him to the right. Kiowa also plays Embry in New Moon where we first see him. I thought it was pretty interesting though that he was in my dream. Any who so he's pulling into our drive and he turns off the headlight and I see his face. In my head I'm just kind of like "oh great what now" I'm taking from this that we had a love/hate relationship.. So I ask him to back up the car so I can open the garage door.. but he keeps messing around and jokingly scoots up his car almost hitting me in the leg.. So I start getting even more pissed off. I tell him "move your car now damnit!" and he replies with a "what are you gonna do if I don't?" I look around me and see a white bike (like an adult size not a kids) and I tell him "if don't move I will toss this bike on top of your car" so he tests me and thinks I'm joking.. but by this time I am straight up aggravated. So he shots back "I bet you won't" and by this time I have had it and I ask him "You think i won't?" and he says "NO". So I picked up the white bike walked to the hood of his car and lifted it as much as I could and dropped it with a straight face staring directly at Kiowa. He get's out of the drivers side screaming "what the hell are you doing?" I told him "Now get the F*CK out of my driveway or do you want to test me again" and by this time my b/f came over to see what all the fuss was about... and.. The END!

Yea, I started to get out of my deep sleep and was basically awake. And that was the end of my dream.


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