hear it for
s a n j o s e
name says hi

J A M I E { From UrbanDictionary }
A girl who is intelligent, yet silly. A girl who is cold on the outside, yet warm and cuddly on the inside. A girl who will tell her friends everything, yet she has many secrets hidden. A girl who is a great friend, yet a worthy advesary if you are not a friend of hers. A girl who is extremely sweet and innocent, yet she'll kick someones ass when necessary. link link link
Tuesday, September 21 @ 12:17 AM
Knit your heart out..
Seems like it's been forever and a day since I've been here and according to my last post, it has been. What can I say.. I'm a busy girl. Ha! If only that were true. So I haven't been busy but I have been finding ways to pass my time. At first it was the crazy bond I had with my home computer, playing the most recent hidden object games. But those days seem to be gone. Playing a game seems to be the last thing on my mind these days.. Nowadays it's all about needles (knitting, I'm not a junkie) and yarn.. lots and lots of yarn. Yarn that I don't have the funds for. Yes, some yarns are expensive but the ones I look at are actually on the cheap side.. it's the fact that I don't have funds for them to keep up with my projects that bums me out. But at least it's keeping me away from the computer screen.. or more like the games. Trust me you have to get a break away from them.. one game can take up about 1 to 2 hours.. but that's not always a bad thing. That just means that the games were made with the perfect amount of difficulty and were interesting enough to keep me excited.

The idea to try out knitting again actually started because of my aunt. Now I have knitted before; a scarf here and there. Back then I wasn't really able to understand the material so I always kept my stitches simple and easy.. which is doing knits and purls, knits and purls. It seems like lately my mind is starting to take things and have it make sense a lot quicker. I think back then I was reading so much into it.. that I was just confusing myself. And now with the help of YouTube (YouTube was up back when I started, I just never thought to actually look on it till now) I am more able to try something a bit more challenging. My new addictions are creating berets. I love them! They're extremely fashionable, perfect for bad hair days, and every inexpensive. So I decided to make one of my own. The first one I made was a simple beret that I read from a book. It came out horrible. I didn't make a swatch to check my gauge and it just didn't look clean at all. But I was still proud of it, I mean it was the first hat I ever made. But that way taught you how to knit the hat in a flat way and then sew the ends together to create the circle... but I wanted to learn the way of "knitting in the round" a much easier way to make a hat. So I went out and racked up on circular needles and double pointed needles. I tried to make this adorable lace beret and my goodness it was not easy. I'm the kind of person that, when I see something I like and in this case want to make; I think that if I go out and buy all of the material I can just put it together in a snap. My goodness was I wrong. The beret was actually very simple.. but when you're a person like me who has NEVER knitted in the round or even used double pointed needles it seems like a disaster. Eventually after several tries and several failures i was able to finish 1 lace beret. Now it didn't come out the cleanest, but thanks to that it helped me to learn from my mistakes and now I'm in the process of making another...

but.. I've hit a brick wall. I'm hoping that my creative switch isn't turning off cause there are a lot of berets I would like to crank out but at the current moment I am in no mood to knit. It could be because I have been knitting for several days straight, I'm running out of material to make anything (or the material that I have isn't meeting my standards), or I just don't want to do it anymore. I highly doubt it's the last one cause I really do want to make another one. i think the winner here is the 2nd reason. I'm running out of material. I have been mostly using Acrylic and I want to try and move on to something like wool, and cotton, or even alpaca. They seem to knit up nice and have a soft feel to them. My only trouble is trying to find of job to fund all this creativeness.

And that's another topic I so don't want to get into. I just felt like jotting some random thoughts down for my eyes, the world, and whoever actually reads this.

Well I guess that's it for now. I would actually be knitting right now but something is just not making me want to.. yet I have this deep down feeling that I want to knit.. but I can't. I don't know haha... I'm sure 15mins from now I'll be knitting something..

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Frick.. Frick.. Frick on a stick! So heavy... Don't test me.. A slip of the hand and off to dreamland... I don't understand.. I'll miss you $30 What you know. Goodies. Goodbye Winter... Hello Spring! Fell from your heart..