hear it for
s a n j o s e
name says hi

J A M I E { From UrbanDictionary }
A girl who is intelligent, yet silly. A girl who is cold on the outside, yet warm and cuddly on the inside. A girl who will tell her friends everything, yet she has many secrets hidden. A girl who is a great friend, yet a worthy advesary if you are not a friend of hers. A girl who is extremely sweet and innocent, yet she'll kick someones ass when necessary. link link link
Saturday, April 17 @ 1:14 AM
What you know.
This is my new favorite track by a band called Two Door Cinema Club from their album "Tourist History" which I think is absolutely amazing. I think they're going to be the next big thing.. they remind me a bit of Phoenix. I'm sure there are a couple more bands I could probably mix in, but Phoenix is the only one shouting out at me right now and flashing in bright red lights. Plus my mind is drawing up blanks for other bands. Anyhow I heard their song "Something Good Can Work" which is actually the single of the week on iTunes so go check it out now before it's gone.. Right, so I fell in love with the song and then fell head first into the CD which is GREAT! So in celebration of a new favorite band and track is "What You Know" or well more like the lyrics. I'm not sure if they're right.. but they might be close.

Two Door Cinema Club - What You Know

In a few weeks I will get time
And realize it's right before my eyes
And I can take it, if it's what I want to do
And I am leaving and this is starting
To feel like it's right before my eyes
And I can taste it, it's my sweet beginning

And I can tell just what you want
You don't want to be alone
You don't want to be alone
And I can't say it's what you know
But you've known it the whole time
Yah, you've known it the whole time

Maybe next year I'll have no time
To think of but the questions to address
Am I the one to, try to stop the fire
I wouldn't test you, I'm not the best you
Could have attained why try anything
I will get there, just remember I know

And I can tell just what you want
You don't want to be alone
You don't want to be alone
And I can't say it's what you know
But you've known it the whole time
Yah, you've known it the whole time
Friday, April 16 @ 12:08 AM
Today was a very exercising day. Well I wouldn't say I exercised but I think doing lawn work equals out to it. Me and my awesome bro cut our lawn today and I think it looks G L O R I O U S! I trimmed the trees and also lined up the sides of the grass and they both look super awesome. I was a bit worried when I was trimming the tree cause I thought I was doing it wrong. I did start to feel a bit like Edward Scissorhand minus the scissors but more in the artsy way. Unfortunately my bunny looked nothing like his, it just looked like a trimmed tree but a gorgeous one at that.

Speaking of goodies! "Goodies... my goodies" It has actually has nothing to do with my goodies but this super cute Goody that I saw today. Me and my bros stopped by this car joint called "Goodies" and wow! I saw this extremely cute guy working behind the counter. Like hot damn cute. Amazing smile, a nice body, beautiful blue eyes, and really nice hands (yes, hands do it for me.. they seal the deal. Don't know why but I love men's hands). He's was just so cute that I could barely even look at him when he would laugh and look at me. I couldn't do anything but laugh back and look down at the counter as quick as I could.. my goodness his eyes were gorgeous. If I had a car to work on I definitely would go back there to sneak another peek. I mean would it really be sneaking? I think it would be a bit more of just looking. He works there and I can't help it if he just happens to fall in my line of sight, right? Anyhow that was definitely the highlight of my day..

But now I'm worn out from all of the hotness that I witnessed today (ha!). I hope your day was good one. I hope you all have a happy Friday. Time for my Scrubs fix!
Tuesday, April 13 @ 2:29 AM
Goodbye Winter... Hello Spring!
Well it seems like Spring is here and she brought with her a whole mess of clouds. Spring is also a time of renewal (or at least I think it is) and so to celebrate I thought a new layout would be perfect as a gift to my blog. And don't you just love it! Major thanks to doughnutcrazy for the amazing layout. I love the photo of Paris and it suits me perfectly.. 1)cause I love Paris although I've never actually been there and 2)I hope to actually spend a summer in Paris.

I'm not much for leaving home because I am very close to my family but give me the opportunity to travel with no hassle and I would do it in a heartbeat. Who knows we'll see where this life will take me.

I hope the beginning of your Spring is going well so far. We just finished a horrible 2 days of rain, but I shouldn't be hating on the rain.. I always thought that when it rains that the sky was just getting a bath. Haven't you ever noticed that the day after it rains it seems twice as brighter and the sky is extra blue. I notice it every time and I love it.

Enough about the weather. I'm just trying to get some things in order. I'm trying to make things better for myself.. so I can get a bit farther in this life. I've already started one project and I think that's all I can really handle right now. It's been a long time coming but I'm pretty proud of myself to finally get started.. I am a bit angry at myself for waiting so long to begin but I know that getting angry with myself isn't going to help in anyway. I'm just trying to improve myself little by little.. I'm a work in progress (ha) I've got a pretty good list building I just know that if I try to take on one too many things I just shut down, and I absolutely hate that feeling cause then I lose all the drive I originally had to finish the task at hand. So now I'm taking things at my own pace.

Damn! I had this awesome paragraph about the current artists that I'm listening to and I did a Ctrl+z to go back to my last sentence and it ended up removing my entire paragraph. DAMN! So no, I won't be re-typing that all over again.. All I can say is I am currently listening to Efterklang's "Magic Chairs" and Two Door Cinema Club "Tourist History" and I am really liking them both. Check them out if you ever get the chance. And while you're in the process of "checking out" also be sure to look up Florence + The Machine "Lungs", Mute Math "Armstice" and "Mute Math" (both of these albums are fantasmic!)

So I'm starting to run out of things to talk about so expect more rambling.

The new show for Cirque Du Soleil was released.. it's called "Totem" and will open in April. Their first stop after Canada will be in Amsterdam. Will I work there again? If I'm still unemployed by then (my goodness I hope NOT) then most likely. Who knows. I personally feel that even if I am employed by then I will probably still try and work with Cirque. I love working with Cirque. Sure the time with them is short but I have fun while I'm there.. others look at is a job, which I did but I still try to look at it as an experience. I'm sure what we do is nothing compared to people that actually tour with CDS but I see it as us getting a little peek into how these people live and how they become this really tight nit family and I think that's really cool. I always joke around with my mom about how crazy and at the same time amazing it would be if I got to work with Cirque and go on tour. I think it would be extremely hard for me to leave home and I have no doubt that the first couple of days or maybe even weeks would be tough for me but if I passed up the opportunity.. I would be kicking my own ass for the next several years.

In a way though I think it would be good for me. Especially the traveling part. I feel that there isn't much here for me. It's not like I have these big dreams or anything to become "this" or "that".. I just.. how do I explain it? But just going on tour will open me up to something that I've never experienced or to new places.. or just something. Ha. I don't think I explained that well but I can't even really put into words how much I think it would be good for me. I guess it has to do with me never wanting your typical job. I've got nothing against doctors, lawyers, or engineers but I just never felt that it was something that I wanted to be. I have no drive for any of that stuff. I always wanted something different.. I wanted another experience. And I always thought Cirque offered that. But even if I worked at Cirque I'm not all too sure where I would belong. I guess that would be for them to decide. Sure it sounds crazy.. but sometimes the craziest are ideas are the best ones and sometimes they're just crazy. Let's hope this one will show up in the "best one" category. ha.

Who knows...
Maybe that 3rd time will be a charm.
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I'm a Catch 22. A Ship of Coincidences A Crush Out Of Reach... Knit your heart out.. Frick.. Frick.. Frick on a stick! So heavy... Don't test me.. A slip of the hand and off to dreamland... I don't understand.. I'll miss you $30