hear it for
s a n j o s e
name says hi

J A M I E { From UrbanDictionary }
A girl who is intelligent, yet silly. A girl who is cold on the outside, yet warm and cuddly on the inside. A girl who will tell her friends everything, yet she has many secrets hidden. A girl who is a great friend, yet a worthy advesary if you are not a friend of hers. A girl who is extremely sweet and innocent, yet she'll kick someones ass when necessary. link link link
Monday, September 21 @ 8:48 AM
 Today sucks. I feel so uneasy right now and I hate waiting in this beige room. I feel like I want to run out of here and get to the nearest open place as fast as possible.

I miss my bed. I miss my cat. And the annoying sound of my mom telling me things that we already know is getting on my nerves.

 I'm tired and hungry and feel a tad bit nauseus most likely due to my lack of sleep and food. I wish I could escape back to my dark room with my uncomfortable bed that's obvious that its old due to the springs sticking up. I wish I could escape back to the world of vampires and warewolves that took away most of my nights sleep. 

I kind of cheated a little bit and skipped through the last book. I have yet to be done, several more chapters on my to do lists. But I'm getting there. I still can't believe I went through 8 solid chapters and then some last night. I can still see the visions in my head just as the book described it. 

 While we were driving through the hills I kept looking at the houses and was picking ones that looked like it could be a Cullen's resident. I did see one though that seemed like it would be perfect but it was too close to a main road and I feel that if they were real and had to choose they'd probably want something more remote.

 The more and more I kept reading the more and more I realized how jealous I was of Bella. Not the whole turning into a vampire shindig. But the love between her and Edward. I've always envied any relationship that was around me. How I wish I was them. How I wish I had someone who felt like that about me. But I just keep saying to myself that 'my day will come soon' and I feel that it will be greater than I ever imagined.

 Or at least I would like to think so. A girl can dream right.

 Where can I get an Edward? HaHa.
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Sunday, September 20 @ 3:26 PM
Eclipse Graduation.
So another few nights ago I had another interesting dream. I only wish I had wrote it down sooner so I could remember the details. I'll try and see if I can piece it together

Graduation Players: Me, my mom(mnr), my Auntie Rosie(mnr), Jaypee, a woman in a long light pink dress, Robert Pattinson, and an unamed male

 There were tons of people scattered every where across the lawn of a football field. Parked cars were lined in front of what seemed like platforms that had a set of stairs behind them. And behind that were long lines which appeared to be students. It seemed like it was a graduation but no one was wearing the long colorful garments or the cap with the tassle hanging on the side. We were all cheering and I jumped back to sit on the trunk of our car next to me was my mom, and my auntie. My mom nugged me in excitement for the graduating class. 

 The ceremony already seemed to be in progress when I focused on what was going on. I saw my friend Jaypee walked up the stairs to stand on the platform and when his name was called we cheered as loud as we could. As the line continued to move I saw him.. I thought to myself what is he doing walking through the crowd? And then I saw him get in line. He was wearing black jeans with a white tshirt and jacket with a baseball cap. I kind of just stood there in amazement like could this be really happening? Is he really here? I regained my focus as he took to the platform. The announcer called out the names of the students from left to right and when the announcer reached him I was in shock, my eyes lit up, and a huge grin came to my face. "Robert Pattinson" the announcer said cheers came from every which way but I just stood there thinking to myself "is this for real??" and in a quick blink he was gone. I looked below the platform and saw him walking toawrds the end of the line.

 After the graduation we stood around congratulating everyone. My friend Jaypee stood next to me holding on to woman who wore a light pink chiffon dress. They were walking out into a neighborhood intersection. And in a snap this car flew @ them both. Everyone freaked out but when I looked @ jaypee he acted like he saw it coming and like he was preparing himself for impact. When the car reached him he jumped up onto the car pretending to get hurt but everyone around me was in shock and only from my angle I could see he was faking it. I had a smirk on my face that read "that was in no way funny". The girl in the pink dress was snatched up and pulled into the car. Jaypee stood up screaming "she's gone! She's gone!" but I just turned my back.

 I have no idea how I got home or whoevers house I was in and I was sitting on a couch. The walls were a dark grey. And sitting next to me was someone I least expected. I looked @ him and he looked like he was trying to explain something to me. But I was barely even listening. I just stared @ him with blank eyes. He stood up and smiled @ me and I smiled back. He leaned in and kissed me, I returned the kiss. It was one of those kisses where it actually felt real. His lips were very soft and moist. After he left I woke up. The End.

And there you have it. My interesting dream. The dream ties in with the title "Eclipse". For the past several nights I have been listening to the audiobook from the Twilight series. Like my profile says "I'm not a big fan of reading books" but I don't mind listening to it. It felt as if someone was telling me a story. Like Bella was telling me her story. And since the first movie was out it was easy for me to put faces to the names. When she described a scene I could see it as if I was there watching it happen. Everytime I listened I kept saying to myself 'just a couple of chapters' but that easily turned into several. 

The book ties in with my dream because I fell asleep after they were discussing graduation plans. Robert Pattinson ties in because I saw this picture on the internet of him walking around in that exact outfit that I described above earlier in the day. Everything else was my own imagination running wild.

 I never thought I would fall for a story like this. I'm not really a book fanatic but this one just caught me @ left field.  Its the story of a girl falling in love with a vampire..what's not to love?!?! But I am super excited to see New Moon I think its a major step up from Twilight. I know in TW we were establishing characters and getting to know everyone but now that we know we can just take it and run. Its like if you don't know who anyone is watch the 1st movie and get familiar. 

 I was actually listening to New Moon for a bit but I stopped and decided to wait for the movie which is only 2 months away. I felt reading the story would ruin the movie for me even though that's where the movie originated from. But it has to do with me wanting to see it with my eyes rather than reading about it.

Well I have one more book to go..the final one 'Breaking Dawn' and I'll be starting it tonight I'm really excited.

I'm more excited to hear about the upcoming nuptials..
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Thursday, September 10 @ 2:58 AM
Cleaning out my life.
 With The Used on a constant repeat shuffle I have 7 boxes lining my small walkway to my closet. And it feels good to finally clear out some of my stuff.

 I've been meaning to go through it but the more and more I bugged myself the more and more I became lazy. But its great to take out the old stuff to get new stuff.

 Going through the boxes I found the physical photo of quinn, me, and jeph that I posted below which I haven't actually seen for years. I also found this amazing red plaid jacket that I bought from Hot Topic ages ago but doesn't fit at the moment (I love this jacket)

 You know I never knew that his name was Jepharee. I swear. I always thought it was just Jepha. Ha. You learn new things everyday.

 I'm so excited cause I'm Friskoe bound this Friday which is perfect because it suppose to be in the high 90's and me no likey hot weather. And I can't wait to go to the beach. But I'll actually be prepared this time.. I'm bringing my slippers plus a pair of socks and shoes and a towel (just in case)

 Did you notice the new layout. Gorgeous right?! There was a previous one before this which was super awesome but I was trying to move a few things around and I was just getting frustrated so I went with this one (it was my 2nd choice) which I love! And I switched the original lyrics on the side to the lyrics from "Best Of Me"

 Now I'm all pooped out from moving all these boxes. The box with my jeans was a pain in the arse! Damn that thing is heavy.. But I'm not really all the tired..

..looks like its time for Scrubs.

S-C-O-R-E !
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Tuesday, September 1 @ 2:59 AM
You could be empty

.and I can be right here empty with you..

  Mon congrats to The Used on their brand new release "Artwork". I personally think this album is amazing. It gave me a reason to use my stereo which I haven't used in a couple years (seriously). I opened all of the disc holders to find that the cd's that got left inside are just covered in dust. Haha how sad.

   I really love this band. I can't say I've been there since the exact beginning but I was there on the sidelines. And now I feel a part of the team. That sounded lame haha basically I'm a big fan. I think its kind of lame when other fans are like I've liked them since so and so Its like dude who the f*ck cares either your a fan or not. 

 But yah this is definitely a great album. I had this funny moment where I was getting ready and I just kept singing "watered down" and everytime I tried to sing a new song I kept going back to that one. Eventually I ended up playing the song. You know you sing a song so much that you need to hear it. Haha well yah that's what happened.

 I can't wait to hear these songs live.

 Oh I have another story I was do The Used scavenger hunt. Where you have to go to different Hot Tpics and tell them the secret word and if you get it right and if you get the right store you win this usb drive..anyway so I'm driving around and it was kind of funny to go into several (4) different HT's hearing a different track from Artwork. Only 1 store wasn't playing the cd. And no, I didn't find it. I didn't want to use up all of my brother's gas AND I was getting super hungry I had literally been out all day. Plus I didn't have a whole lot of stores. In a span of 5 hours I only went to 4 stores. It only took so long cause all these stores are so damn far apart + it was rush hour + people don't know how to drive + I was shopping in every mall I hit up. (I only bought 1 item a tank that says "hugs for everyone" haha)

 If I had to choose one top choice song.. I think I'll have to go with 


The beginning is super badass! Well I'm gonna go I'm not good @ singing and typing @ the same time. I live you with this picture of The Used. Courtesy of AltPress. Check out Jeph's smokin mustache ha.

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I'm a Catch 22. A Ship of Coincidences A Crush Out Of Reach... Knit your heart out.. Frick.. Frick.. Frick on a stick! So heavy... Don't test me.. A slip of the hand and off to dreamland... I don't understand.. I'll miss you $30