hear it for
s a n j o s e
name says hi

J A M I E { From UrbanDictionary }
A girl who is intelligent, yet silly. A girl who is cold on the outside, yet warm and cuddly on the inside. A girl who will tell her friends everything, yet she has many secrets hidden. A girl who is a great friend, yet a worthy advesary if you are not a friend of hers. A girl who is extremely sweet and innocent, yet she'll kick someones ass when necessary. link link link
Thursday, July 30 @ 3:23 AM
Close your eyes...

 Another sleepless night. This is probably my 3rd night in a row. Normally its okay cause I find things that help me past the time..but I've reached the checkpoint where I don't care to do any of it or I'm just too bored to even finish the tasks. I'm hoping that this phase will soon pass. I know that some may suffer from a lack of sleep cause they have to many things going on in their noggin, but I don't really have much. My day doesn't consist of much and neither does my night so I'm just sitting. I have literally caught myself mid day with the tv and computer off thinking to myself 'what the hell is there to do?' I constantly pace through my house hoping that the light in my noggin will turn on. But so far nothing.

 Ooh I put up another picture of Mushu. He's asleep lying on my Love Listography book at the time I was working on the Listography book (its your life in lists). I have so many pics of him. Well he's always around. He's like my best and worst friend haha. I do love having him around though. Little brat.

 I have been getting some new music that I am currently loving at the moment (some of the tracks might be old but they're new to me):

 Danyew - "Close Your Eyes" "Streetlight" "Closer We Are"

Phoenix - "Lisztomania" "Rome" "Countdown"

 Rilo Kiley - "The Money Maker"

 Madcon - "Wholehearted"

 After Midnight Project - "Take Me Home" And some others.

Ughh I should be asleep cause I have to get up earlier than usual. I can't seem to force myself to sleep..the more I try the more I don't want to haha. I swear every day I keep falling head over heels for my Pre and I think I'm gonna keep saying this for a while ha. We just got a new app called Open Table I feel that I won't use it a lot but seems like an app that would come in handy. If you want to make reservation @ a restaurant just open the app and it'll do it for you and if you need to cancel you can do it there too. I got a cool Magic 8 Ball homebrew app. It seems pointless but its still fun when you use it asking silly questions. I like it.

 My phone has also turned into like my ipod. I barely even carry my ipod with me these days. I went to the laundry mat and had my phone in my pocket listening to some tunes and I get a text from my bros g/f asking me if I wanted to go out that night. My pre lowered my current track and put it on pause and played a simple chime letting me know I got a message after the chime my song continued. So cool! The same goes with phonecalls. If you're using the headphones it does the same..one push of the button on ur headphones and your call is answered. Now one thing that would be crazy amazing is if it did all the same as above but said the name that was calling you so you would have to take the phone out of your pocket. Now that would be awesome!

 Well I'm gonna get back to my tunes.


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Monday, July 27 @ 4:09 AM

 I'm really loving that song by a band called Phoenix. Also the song "Take Me Home" by After Midnight Project very catchy, and on repeat.

 I love my Pre. I know that this phone isn't perfect but those minor imperfections can be fixed in future updates or homebrew apps haha. I think the one thing for everyone is Ringtones. What can I say? We love our ringtones, we love being able to control what song/sound plays when we receive a call or text message. I personally don't mind the new chime. I didn't mind the old one either. After messing with my old Sanyo MM-5600 which is currently my mom's phone I noticed it was pretty damn customizable. So that made me want to list out what I would like to see for the Palm Pre:

* Having the center button's light pulsate when the phone is in sleep mode when you receive a text/missed phone call/email alerts/ etc. I think it would super helpful cause it does get rather irritating having to check your phone constantly

* Have the alarm prefrences include volume. I know that you can choose what tone you'd like to go off but I thought that it was weird that the alarm alert and system sound volume were connected I might want my alarm louder than ever but not my system sounds.

* The ability to change SMS alert and volume.

* The ability to forward SMS messages.

* To be able to make playlists with the music that is currently on your Pre (I would love this one)

* A macro setting for the camera and zoom.

...what else is there?

* To be able to select multiple pictures to delete/send/etc the same goes with emails

* To save pictures from the web. Like if the orange button could be like a right-click that would open a drop down menu with the option to save/send/copy you know the usual stuff you do with images hehe.

  And I think that's it for now. Moving on..we went out to Voodoo this past Saturday it was cool. Ran into some familiar faces. I don't know what's going on but I feel like I'm losing that party excitement. I feel like I get excited to go out but once we do my excitement is just gone. Like it does a 180 on me. I know things will never be how they were back then but man I miss those days. 

  What else is there? ...oh I almost had a topic but I didn't want to go there haha. I guess that's it Have a good week. And a great Monday

'Cream Spinach Yo!'

PS- The photo is a pic of me and my Bubby hanging out before bed. 

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Monday, July 20 @ 3:56 AM
Turn into..hope I do..turn into you
"can't say why I kept this from yah, but my those quiet eyes become yah"

 Oh why hello. Talk about a weird dream the night before last. What happened was weird but one of the characters was very unexpected. 

 In the dream I was with my friend doing some shopping when all of a sudden we hear about a shoot out happening so we try to head back to the car which is a few blocks away and we run into all these cops along the way that is stopping everyone in their path and checking everyones belongings for some type of weapon. After the search is done I ask the officer if he could help us by showing us the safest route to get to our car. The officer follows us and leads us through the mall (I believe the parking structure is connected) and while we're walking the lights in the mall and all of the stores dim and an alarm begins to sound alerting everyone that the shootout is getting closer and to leave immediately. The officer tells me that he is going to stay behind but I just couldn't bring myself to leave him so I grab his hand and tell him 'we'll get you out of here'. My friend and I race back to the car with the officer in tow ducking and dodging bullets We get to my car and turns out for some reason I was or am a part of the SS and my car was armored. So we start heading down the spiral part of the parking lot to get the lower floors and the lower we got the more gunshots you heard. We get near the bottom and I pull out my weapon (it was in the car) and I start shooting back but just as we're leaving I get hit in my wrists. We headed toward the officer's house and I tell my friend to come back for me in the morning so I could rest and get bandaged up. After that I wake up next to a person (..whom I least expected) who is my boyfriend and he asks me 'are you alright' and I tell him 'yah I'm fine' and I fall back asleep and finally I wake up in reality land.

 Pretty crazy huh! Haha. I think if you have a dream crazy/weird/good/whatever you should write them down. They make great stories. And it's always funny when you come back to read them cause your just like 'what the hell?'

 I've been working on my 'wreck this journal' its just been sitting on my shelf collecting dust. I really want to buy some paint and just let my creative outlet flow..haha. But I really want to do that target page that one is gonna be fun. But I did want to give a shotout to a page I never saw again. A page that I wanted to do so bad but I will never see its outcome and that page is 'tear this page out, put it in your pocket, stick it in the wash, and put it back in the journal'. Stupid me stuck it in the back pocket where it easily fell out and went down the drain. The funny thing is I stuck it in the front pocket but I thought the markers from the page would run and ruin my pockets so smart me put the page in the back. Oh well. That'd be awesone if I found the page still in the pipe. Here's to you page!

For once I'm getting tired on my own and not from watching a tv show or a movie. Goodnight and if you're looking for a great journal to waste your time definitely pick up Keri Smith's Wreck This Journal'

"if time is my vessel then learning to love might be my way back to sea"
- Interpol
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Wednesday, July 15 @ 1:52 AM
Am I Missing A Tooth?
 Steak Night!!!

 So this past Sunday me and my mom went to the American Idols Live 2009 show and it was pretty cool. I've never seen my mom so happy. You could just see the excitement all over her face. It was quite cool. We got amazing seats too. We were on the floor, section 1, row 9! I've never had a reserved seat that close to the stage. I'm so glad I got to share the experience with her.

 I told her I would give her my tips and tricks on going to shows and I most definitely think it paid off in the end. My first one was (some people might disagree) but my thin is if you're hungry..GO EAT! Save yourself the headache and fatigue. Thank goodness there was a concession stand for the floor seats (woo!). So I bought a hot dog and 2 bottled waters (I started to get really thirsty). Turns out my mom had headache and the hot dog I bought was just enough to hold her off till  we got to Denny's.

After the show I told her lets go out to the back where it is well known that the artist come out to sign autographs and take pictures with friends. My only one downfall is there was a very rude security guard. For me it's like just because you have that uniform on, a walkie talkie, and an earpiece doesn't mean you have to be a jerk! Me and my mom ended up getting stuck between two metal barriers and the same SG came over and told us to move back on the curb so I was like 'fine' but then he started yelling like we weren't moving or something and I just couldn't take it so I yelled back telling him 'look were moving alright you don't need to yell' and he starts pushing the barriers together and I notice my mom is getting squished and then he starts to yell again so at that point I've had it and again I yelled back telling him 'were trying to get out damnit but your squishing my mom!' after that he asked politely. Ask whatever you need us to do but don't go and start being all disrespectful!

Anyway my mom really wanted to me Adam Lambert she constantly goes on and on about him. Its quite cute. (I even AdamPimped her phone) she kept worrying that all the people across the street were going to get to meet them but I told her to just be patient and if nothing happens don't be bitter. About an hour and 20minutes later her dream came true and she got his signature and a somewhat good photo. But not just him but Kris Allen and Micheal (I don't know his last name). After that she was (as I put) on cloud 20 in the suite with the amazing view.
 After that I talked my mom into going to Denny's to celebrate. I think it was a great wa to end the night I love my All American Slam. She had work the next but I could tell that she could care less.

 I have one serious craving for something chocolatey like a brownie. That sounds pretty good!

Cream Spinach Yo!
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Thursday, July 9 @ 12:11 AM
Hey Hey Hey,

 Whew it has most definitely been awhile. I hope you all had a good 4th of July. Mine was pretty good. I spent it with my mom traveling down to Salinas to finally see my Aunts new baby who is very cute by the way and then headed back up to San Jose or more like Santa Clara to catch the fireworks which were flippin amazing! You know how they do the big bang at the end you know "unleashing the fury" haha well this one was huge. One of those "hot damn" ones. It felt like it went on forever which is good cause it felt like our never ending search for a parking paid off. 

My BBQ was just a BBQ. There weren't a whole lot of folks there but I was very grateful for those who made it out. It was a good 3 days last minute and it meant a lot to me that some peeps came through. Big thanks to those who wished me a Happy Birthday also. Later on we went to Voodoo just as planned and all I can say about that was that it was "HOT" literally. I've been in clubs that were hot but for some reason that club was extremely hot. You busted a sweat just standing there (Jay haha). But I had fun either way. It was still a good one.

 So how does it feel to be 25? Well it feels like being 24+1. It does make me start putting things in perspective..I guess. I just feel that I really need to start figuring some things out. So I'm at that phase. I'll let you know how I'm progressing. Haha

(if you've seen Scrubs Season 8 then you probably get the Zwah..or Steak Niiight haha..CREAM SPINACH YO! Haha you gotta love JD)

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I'm a Catch 22. A Ship of Coincidences A Crush Out Of Reach... Knit your heart out.. Frick.. Frick.. Frick on a stick! So heavy... Don't test me.. A slip of the hand and off to dreamland... I don't understand.. I'll miss you $30